If you're employing people, you're running human risk – I can help you mitigate it.
Image credit: IQPC
I help organisations improve their ethics and compliance programme to achieve business outcomes, fast.
What is Human Risk?
When things go wrong in organisations, there is always a human component.
People either cause problems or make them worse by the way in which they react to them.
Or don't.
Yet traditional approaches to ethics & compliance often fail to consider behavioural drivers and mitigate risk by thinking about the way we would like people to behave, rather than the way they are likely to behave.
There can be a disconnect between the drivers of risk within companies and how they’re mitigated via ethics & compliance programmes.
And so Human Risk the company steps in.
episodes of the Human Risk podcast
speaking events
published book
bespoke training programmes delivered
coaching sessions
virtual training sessions

Christian Hunt: The man behind Human Risk

I have over 27 years of experience in Financial Services, working in Investment Banking, Asset Management and a Family Office.
I benefit from the unique perspective of having held senior roles as both a Regulator and Risk & Compliance Officer:

Managing Director & Head of Behavioural Science
Global Head of Compliance & Operational Risk Control
UBS Asset Management
Chief Operating Officer
Prudential Regulation Authority
Head of Department, International Banking Supervision
Get to know me a bit more
Catch up on the Human Risk Podcast
How does the human brain perceive risk? On this episode I’m joined by statistician and pre-eminent risk communication expert Professor David Spiegelhalter.
David explains how the way in which the human brain perceives risk can lead us to misjudge it. By looking for explanations for events, we may identify connections and correlations that don’t actually exist.

Hear more fascinating insights from people who have experienced human risk first hand.
Get in touch
Follow me online: @humanriskltd