Up your ethics and compliance game
Make your programme more effective, engaging and sustainable.
Image credit: IQPC
What you’ll get from me
Using simple explanations and frameworks, I teach practical skills and new ways of thinking that can be immediately deployed to solve day-to-day business problems.
From two hours to an entire day, I can deliver this in-person or virtually, through workshops, training and webinars
Coaching (one-to-one)

Human Risk coaching will provide you with ongoing support in deploying Behavioural Science within your organisation.
We can work together short-term or long-term – whatever you need to get the job done.
If we’re a good fit, we can start your bespoke training and consultancy journey today.
Let’s get to know each other
Find out more by booking an initial 1 hour session today
Your organisation can’t be compliant or ethical of its own accord.
It’s your employees that determine whether or not that happens.
That’s where I come in.
Here are just a few things I've helped my clients with:
Conduct Risk Framework

Annual Compliance Training

User-friendly policies

'Speak Up' programme

Internal Communications

Get in touch
Follow me online: @humanriskltd