Start getting results from your ethics and compliance programme
Taster 1 – A Different Perspective
Why might we need to think about rules from our employees' perspective? While our natural tendency is to think about things from the organisational perspective — the risks we need to mitigate — that can lead to us not thinking about obvious things that will make it less likely our employees will comply with our rules. If we want to succeed in managing human risk, we sometimes need to shift our perspective.

Taster 2 – The Employment Contract Fallacy
What is 'The Employment Contract Fallacy', and why is it sometimes a mistake to rely upon it. Just because our employees sign a contract doesn’t automatically mean we should assume we can tell them what to do. Find out why and when we can — and can't — rely on it, in this video.

Taster 3 – What we can Learn about Compliance from Road Safety
How can ‘Compliance In The Wild’ — in other words, situations we will all recognise from the ‘real world’ — help inform Ethics & Compliance programmes? In this example, I look at what we can learn from the way traffic rules are enforced. More than you might think!

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